O Georden entre os nomeados

Após a nomeação do logótipo do Georden no Logo Design Love, foram já vários os comentários que referem o Georden como o melhor. Muito obrigado a todos!

Jacob Cass
Not really a big fan of many of them but if I had to choose one it would be Georden.
Mar 10th, 2008

I can vote for obama “ecogeek” and “georden” clinton for vice president
Mar 11th, 2008

Roberta Seldon
1. Georden
2. Planetsave
3. TreeHugger
4. Going Green
Mar 21st, 2008

Diana H
1. Georden
2. Viropop
3. Ecogeek

Mar 24th, 2008

Chaitanya VRK
Georden is Ok…!!!
Mar 31st, 2008


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